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Microsoft Office365
Integrations to Outlook, Teams, Exchange, Azure AD, PowerBI, Excel, Sharepoint
Microsoft Exchange integration to BitaBIZLet BitaBIZ do more for your employees: Activate unified communication (Synchronize employee leave & absence status to Outlook & Teams)
Microsoft Exchange PLUS integration to BitaBIZLet BitaBIZ do more for your customers: Activate Out of Office e-mail auto reply from BitaBIZ.
Microsoft Azure Active Directory integration to BitaBIZHow to set-up single sign-on and user provisioning via Microsoft Azure Active Directory to BitaBIZ
Outlook add-inHow to use BitaBIZ from inside Outlook
Excel: Report libraryHow to integrate your BitaBIZ data to pre-configured Excel reports that updates automatically
Excel & PowerBI: Create your own reportsHow to integrate your BitaBIZ data to your own custom build Excel & PowerBI reports
Guide for updating to the new Exchange integrationHow to update your current integration to the new Exchange integration
Our Outlook integration is not workingEmployee's Outlook and Teams calendar is not updated with absence status from BitaBIZ
Setup Exchange integrationUpdate absence status to your Microsoft Exchange / Outlook calendar.
Activate Outlook Auto reply (Out of Office) to your BitaBIZ Exchange integrationActivate Outlook email auto reply messages from BitaBIZ
How to renew the Client Secret Value for the Exchange integrationOur Client Secret Value for the exchange integration is about to expire and needs to be renewed.
Setup integration with your Azure ADInstall the BitaBIZ Azure AD app to setup integration with Office365
Azure AD Provisioning mappingProvisioning: Add or delete user master data attributes for synchronization with BitaBIZ.
Adding, deleting & updating users from Azure ADCreate, update, hard & soft delete
Key points regarding Manager / Approver flow managed from AzureWhat happens when manager / approver flow from Azure is activated to your BitaBIZ app?
How to renew the Single sign-on certificateOur certificate for the BitaBIZ SSO application is about to expire and needs to be renewed
Provisioning - Synchronize users with BitaBIZ on demandHow to make a forced restart of user provisioning from Microsoft Entra ID to your BitaBIZ account.
Admin: SSO login problemsOur SSO integration works. But a few users can not sign in with SSO
Remove users from the SSO/Provisioning integration to BitaBIZUsers are removed from our Microsoft Entra ID tenant, but users should still be active in BitaBIZ and login without using SSO.
User cannot login with SSO after change of emailEmail updated on user profile in our Entra ID
BitaBIZ Outlook add-in deployed via Microsoft 365 Admin centerCentral deploy of BitaBIZ add-in to all or specific users/groups via Microsoft 365 Admin center
BitaBIZ Outlook add-in for ADFS via Exchange admin centerCentral deploy of ADFS customized BitaBIZ add-in to Outlook clients via Microsoft Exchange admin center
Requirements for running Office Add-ins for OutlookExchange server requirements & Outlook client requirements