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Microsoft Office365
Integrationer til Outlook, Teams, Exchange, Azure AD, PowerBI, Excel, Sharepoint
Microsoft Exchange integration til BitaBIZAktivér Unified communication (Synkroniser medarbejderens fraværsstatus til Outlook & Teams)
Microsoft Exchange PLUS integration til BitaBIZLad BitaBIZ gøre mere for jeres medarbejdere: Aktiver Outlook e-mail autosvar fra BitaBIZ.
Microsoft Exchange - shared Out of Office calendar in OutlookShould BitaBIZ book a shared Out of Office calendar on your Outlook Exchange server?
Microsoft Azure Active Directory integration til BitaBIZSådan oprettes Single Sign-on og automatisk brugeradministration via jeres Microsoft Azure Active Directory til BitaBIZ.
Outlook add-inHow to use BitaBIZ from inside Outlook
Excel: RapportBibliotekSådan integreres jeres BitaBIZ-data i prækonfigurerede Excel-rapporter, der opdateres automatisk
Integration til Excel & PowerBIOpret dine egne Excel og PowerBI rapporter fra rådata eksport via API
Opdateringsguide til jeres Exchange integrationSådan opdateres jeres nuværende integration til den nye Exchange integration
Vores Outlook integration virker ikkeMedarbejderens Outlook og Teamskalender opdateres ikke med fraværsstatus fra BitaBIZ
Opret Exchange integrationOpdatér fraværsstatus til jeres Microsoft Exchange / Outlook kalender
Aktiver Outlook autosvar (fraværende) til jeres BitaBIZ Exchange integrationAktivér Outlook e-mail autosvar beskeder fra BitaBIZ
Oprettelse af Exchange integration til flere selskaber oprettet på vores Azure AD.Vi har flere selskaber oprettet på vores Azure AD og vil målrette vores Exchange integration per selskab
How to renew the Client Secret Value for the Exchange integrationOur Client Secret Value for the exchange integration is about to expire and needs to be renewed.
Opret integration til jeres Azure ADInstallér BitaBIZ Azure AD appen for at oprette integration til Office365
Conditional access and compliance policies setup in Azure AD & IntuneOur SSO integration to BitaBIZ block users from using BitaBIZ mobile APP
Azure AD Provisioning mappingProvisioning: Add or delete user master data attributes for synchronization with BitaBIZ.
Adding, deleting & updating users from Azure ADCreate, update, hard & soft delete
Key points regarding Manager / Approver flow managed from AzureWhat happens when manager / approver flow from Azure is activated to your BitaBIZ app?
How to renew the Single sign-on certificateOur certificate for the BitaBIZ SSO application is about to expire and needs to be renewed
Vores medarbejdere skifter e-mailadresser til nyt domænenavnVi har Single sign-on og Provisioning aktiveret på vores BitaBIZ konto og skal skifte E-mail domænenavn.
Provisioning - Synchronize users with BitaBIZ on demandHow to make a forced restart of user provisioning from Microsoft Entra ID to your BitaBIZ account.
Admin: SSO loginproblemerVores SSO-integration fungerer. Men nogle brugere kan ikke logge ind ved hjælp af SSO
Remove users from the SSO/Provisioning integration to BitaBIZUsers are removed from our Microsoft Entra ID tenant, but users should still be active in BitaBIZ and login without using SSO.
BitaBIZ Outlook add-in deployed via Microsoft 365 Admin centerCentral deploy of BitaBIZ add-in to all or specific users/groups via Microsoft 365 Admin center
BitaBIZ Outlook add-in for ADFS via Exchange admin centerCentral deploy of ADFS customized BitaBIZ add-in to Outlook clients via Microsoft Exchange admin center
Requirements for running Office Add-ins for OutlookExchange server requirements & Outlook client requirements