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Azure AD Provisioning mapping

Provisioning: Add or delete user master data attributes for synchronization with BitaBIZ.

Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen avatar
Skrevet af Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen
Opdateret for over en måned siden

Select what user master data is to be synchronized with BitaBIZ

When you setup and activate provisioning, all supported user master data/attributes will be synchronized with BitaBIZ as default.

The following attributes are supported:

Azure AD attribute: BitaBIZ attribute
userPrincipalName: Username
givenName: First name
surname: Last name

jobtitle: Job tiltle
department: Department

Not(IsSoftDeleted): Active

userPrincipalName: Email

mobile: Mobile number

telephoneNumber: Office phone

Country: Country/region/calendar group

Note: The following attributes are mandetory and should not be deleted in the provsioning Mapping:

Azure AD attribute: BitaBIZ attribute

userPrincipalName: Username

givenName: First name

surname: Last name

Not(IsSoftDeleted): Active

userPrincipalName: Email

How to add or delete attributes for synchronization with BitaBIZ

Go to the Provisioning section in your BitaBIZ enterprise application:

Click: Provisioning -> Edit attributes mappings:

Open Mappings -> click Provision Azure Active Directory Users to go to the Attribute mapping section:

In the Attribute mapping section you can either delete or add attributes for synchronization.

Delete attribute for synchronization:

Click delete next to the attributes you don't want to synchronize with BitaBIZ:

In this example the synchronization of manager is deleted.

Save the Attribute mapping:

The mapping is now saved and manager are no longer synchronized with BitaBIZ.

Add attribute for synchronization:

Click Add New Mapping

In Edit Attribute Select the Source attribute and Target attribute and click OK. Keep the other settings as shown below.

Source attribute is the attribute on the user profile in your Azure AD

Target attribute is the attribute on the user profile in BitaBIZ

In this example the synchronization of department is added to the provisioning:

Save the Attribute mapping:

The mapping is now saved and department is synchronized with BitaBIZ

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