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Statistics and reports
Vacation left, sick leave, overtime, time-off, projects, 48h rule. etc.
Vacation left, Other vacation left
Report: Remaining vacation - for the entire yearOverview of remaining vacation days for the entire vacation year
Report: Remaining vacation - per selected monthRemaining balance per selected month
Report: Vacation - Balance logThe vacation balance log: Accrual, registrations, adjustments, transfers
Report: Remaining Other vacation - for the whole yearRemaining balance for other vacation, care days and the 6th vacation week
Report: Remaining other vacation - Per selected monthRemaining balance per selected month
Report: Other vacation - Balance logThe log of the other vacation balance: accrual, registrations, adjustments, transfers
Time registration - without hour bank
EU time directive, payroll hours, project hours
Time registration - without hour bankEU time, payroll hours, project hours
Sick leave
Sick days and periods, Brandford factor, etc.
Sick leave - sick days & sick periodsNumber of sick days and sick periods per employee, department and company
Sygefravær - sygefraværsprocentSygefraværsprocent beregnet ud fra dage eller timer
Sick leave - Bradford factorAnalysis of sick leave that affect the company's productivity
Sick leave – statistics incl. weekendsSick leave report that includes weekends and official holidays.
Number of sick days reportNumber of sick days per employee per year/ chosen period
Number of child sick days reportNumber of Child sick days per employee per year/ chosen period