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Sick leave - Bradford factor

Analysis of sick leave that affect the company's productivity

Esben Hedegaard avatar
Written by Esben Hedegaard
Updated over a month ago

Click: HR Statistics > Reports > Click: Download report "Sick leave - Bradford factor"

About the report

  • Calculation of the Bradford factor. Incl. marking of employees with a Bradford factor that may need to be followed up on cf. recommendations on best practice in the field.

  • Distribution / development in the number of sick periods held per employee in the last 3 years.

Dimensions that can be filtered by





Sick leave





Policy / Employee group


Comments on the report

  • If a sick leave period spanns over a weekend or a public holiday, it is still counted as one period. The rule is, if Friday and the following Monday is sick leave days, then the days are counted as one sick leave period. The same applies if sick days are registered on each side of a public holiday.

  • Sick days registered on public holidays and in weekends are not counted in the number of sick days.

This report is a preconfigured report. The report is updated automatically with real time data.

To activate the report, insert your BitaBIZ API key into the report.

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