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Sick leave – statistics incl. weekends
Sick leave – statistics incl. weekends

Sick leave report that includes weekends and official holidays.

Morten Borum avatar
Written by Morten Borum
Updated over a month ago

Sick leave - Statistics incl. weekends

Click HR Statistics -> Reports -> click: Download report "Sick leave - Statistics incl. weekends"

About the report

  • Overview of sick leave days per employee that both includes or excludes weekends and official holidays.

Dimensions that can be filtered by





Sick days





Comments on the report

  • Weekends and public holidays are included if the employee has been on sick leave the day up to and the day after. This will apply, for example, if the employee is on sick leave on Friday and Monday.

  • Please note that the above logic does not apply to part-time employees with fixed days off. If the employee has been on sick leave the day before and the day after a fixed day off, the fixed day off does not count as a sick day.

This report is a preconfigured report. The report is updated automatically with real time data.

To activate the report, insert your BitaBIZ API key into the report.

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