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Time registration - with hour bank

Flexitime & Deviation registration of overtime/time-off & absence

Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen avatar
Written by Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen
Updated over 7 months ago

Time registration - with hour bank

Select hour bank method

BitaBIZ supports 2 hour bank methods that calculate the actual working hours according to the EU work hour directive:

1) Deviation registration of overtime, time off and absence ​

2) Daily active time registration via check in/out (Flexitime)

BitaBIZ supports 1 hour bank method that does not calculate the actual working hours according to the EU work hour directive. And therefore this method is used secondarily:

3) Access to overtime without actual working hour calculation

The hour bank method an employee group must use is activated on the employees' policy:


Read more below about how the two EU compliant hour bank methods work:

1. Employee must register deviations like overtime, time-off and absence
​Deviations adjust actual work hours and the hour bank balance.
β€‹πŸ“‘ User guide: entering overtime & time-off

Click on the photo to see the method:

2. Employee must check in & out (flexitime)

Daily time registration of work hours adjust the hour bank balance
β€‹πŸ“‘ User guide: check in & out
πŸ“‘ Flexitime: rules & logic

Click on the photo to see the method:

πŸ’ When the hour bank method has been clarified - the desired method is saved on the policy. And it is then valid for the employees linked to the policy.

Select Official work hour method

BitaBIZ has 2 official work hour methods.

Open the "Working week" tab on the policy. To setup a method.

ℹ️ You must select one of the 2 standard work hours methods to be able to use check in/out (flexitime).
ℹ️ It is not required to set-up an official work hours method to use overtime & time-off registration. But it is recommended to do so.

  1. Official start and end time per workday (default)
    πŸ’ Use this setting if your employees have a fixed agreed work hour schedule that does not change much and if the employees have own paid breaks.

    πŸ“‘ Setup guide for start and end time: Click here​


  2. Net hours per workday.
    πŸ’ Use this setting if your employees does not have a fixed agreed work hour schedule by entering the average daily working hours on a weekly basis.

    πŸ“‘ Setup guide for net hours only: Click here​​

Give access to hour bank method

With the 2 steps above, your time registration - with hour bank is ready to go live.

But first your employees must have access to Time Registration - with hour bank.

Access is granted on the individual employee's profile - "Application access".

The hour bank method that is activated on the employee's policy is displayed.

For example Check in/out:


Would you like to activate some of the functions below?



If the employee forget to register. A friendly reminder is sendt the following day.

πŸ’ The notification helps employees to remember.

ℹ️ Flexitime only

Live feed

When employee check in a counter starts on their mobile start page. This helps the employee to remember to check out.

ℹ️ Flexitime only

EU notifications

Push notification: the EU's 48-hour rule

πŸ’ Automatic message follow-up to the approver and employee if the average hours registered per week exceeds a selected number of hours in a 4-month period.

Push notification: EU rest time rule

πŸ’ If the rest period of at least 11 hours is not observed, a notification can be send.

Overtime job codes & Request pay out of balance

Should employees have access to register overtime on job codes with a factor?

ℹ️ Setup guide. Click here!

πŸ’ Overtime job codes are used if the overtime hours should activate a factor other than 1:1. For example 1:2

Should employees have access to request pay out of hour bank hours?

πŸ’ Pay out is a setting on the policy.

Max flexitime plus hours per day

Should there be a maximum limit on how many plus hours your employees can earn for the hour bank per working day?

ℹ️ The maximum limit is set on the policy under: Work week -> max hours per day.

πŸ’ If the employee registers more plus hours than the maximum limit for the day, the employee is notified that the hour bank is only updated with the maximum number of hours, e.g. 2 hours.

ℹ️ Flexitime only

Own paid break time

Own paid breaks can be automatically deducted from the registered work hours.

πŸ’ Breaks can be targeted specific employee groups.

Fixed earning of hours for the hour bank balance?

The Hour bank balance can be linked to fixed earnings per year, quarter and month.

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