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Flexitime - rules and logic

How does flexitime work together with leave & absence and overtime/time off?

Mathias Anneberg avatar
Written by Mathias Anneberg
Updated over 6 months ago


Flexitime is used by employees who need to clock in and out daily when they are at work.

The registered working hours per day update the Hour Bank in accordance with the official working hours (standard time) for the workday.

The work hour page shows how the recorded working hours affect the employees' Hour bank and the actual working hours per day and week.

Checklist: Rules & logic

Full Day of Absence

Count for full day of absence:

Actual working hours = 0

Hour bank (+/-) = no adjustment

ℹ️ It is not possible to register working hours on a full day of absence.

Half day of absence

Count for half day of absence:

Actual working hours =

Registered working hours

Hour bank (+/-) =

Half of the standard time + Registered working hours

ℹ️ A half day of absence must be combined with a work hour registration, and the sum of the two adjusts the balance of the hour bank.

Absence in hours

Count for absence hours:

Actual working hours =

Registered working hours

Hour bank (+/-) =

Absence hours + Working hours

ℹ️ Absence hours must be combined with working hours, and the sum of the two adjusts the balance of the hour bank.

Weekends & non-working days

Count when standard time = 0:

Actual working hours =

Registered working hours

Hour bank (+/-) =

Working hours update the hour bank 100%

Time off

Count for Time Off:

Actual working hours = 0 hours

Hour bank (+/-) =

The standard time for the day is deducted

ℹ️ Time off must be registered as a full day. It is not possible to register both work hours and time off on the same day

Overtime job codes

Count for overtime job codes:

Actual working hours =

Registered overtime

Hour bank (+/-) =

Overtime job codes updates the hour bank 100%

Workday without registrations

Count when no registration on a work day:

Actual working hours = 0 hours

Hour bank (+/-) = no adjustment

ℹ️ A reminder that a registration is missing can be sent to the employee.

Report for the EU working hour directive

Time registration - with Hour Bank

The report provides an overview of your employees' actual working hours:

  • The actual working hours per week for the selected period

  • The average actual working hours for the selected period

Click: HR statistics -> Reports -> Time registration - with hour bank 

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