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Time Registration & EU Time Directive
Time Registration & EU Time Directive

Achieve an efficient time registration flow & compliance with the EU time directive

Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen avatar
Written by Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen
Updated over a week ago

Click: Setup Admin -> Modules -> Notifications & Rules > 
Time registration (EU time directive)

Achieve an Efficient Time Registration Flow

Notifications designed to ensure an efficient time registration flow.

Choosing a time registration method is one thing.

Ensuring it's used is another.

Therefore, BitaBIZ offers various notifications tailored to the selected time registration method to maintain an automatic time registration flow.

EU Time Directive:

Notifications & settings designed to ensure compliance with the EU time directive.

Briefly about the EU directive:

  • All employees in the Danish labor market must have access to register their working hours.

  • Employers must monitor that employees do not work more than 48 hours per week on average over 4 months.

  • Employers must ensure employees have a rest period of at least 11 hours.
    ℹ️ Important exception to the 11-hour rule: If the employee has planned the work and performs it from home, the rule does not apply.

Focus on time registration

Setting that determines the level of focus on working hours.

Enable or disable access to statistics

Employee access to statistics and balances.

💁 Setting for the level of focus on weekly, monthly, and yearly working hours.

Remove statistics and balance boxes

Statistics on working hours and balance boxes, as shown above, can be removed by disabling "activate balances" in the employees' policy.


Remember to register

Perhaps the most important notification for achieving a self-sustaining time registration flow.

If your employees do not register their working hours, the EU time directive is not complied with.

When the "Remember to register" notification is activated, employees receive a friendly reminder to register their working hours or report absence if it was forgotten yesterday.

The notification must be activated "globally":

But the notification must also be activated at the policy level. Because there may be staff groups that do not need the notification. For example, student assistants who only work 2 days a week:

The notification is used for the following time registration methods:

Time registration with time bank:

Flex time: Employees must check in and out daily

Time registration without time bank:

Employees must enter start and end times daily

Employees must enter the number of hours daily

Employees must check in and out daily

No deviations

If an employee doesn't register any deviations in their working week in x weeks, then the employee will recieve a notification.

The notification is activated "globally":

Remember to Check Out

Forgetting to check out sometimes happens. It doesn't have to be that way.

Activate the BitaBIZ live feed, so you can easily check out directly from the mobile home screen.

Access to the live feed is activated "globally" under Notifications:

ℹ️ When the live feed is activated, employees automatically gain access. The next time they check in, it activates on their mobile home screen.

The notification is used for the following time registration methods:

Time registration with time bank:

Flex time: Employees must check in and out daily

Time registration without time bank:

Employees must check in and out daily

Remember to Edit

When the method "Adjust today's standard time if deviation" is selected, your employees do not need to actively register their working hours every day. It happens automatically.

When the notification is activated, the employee and/or approver receives a friendly reminder after the selected number of weeks if the employee has not edited his or her working hours within the period, according to the following rules:

  • For the selected period, the employee has not edited time.

  • The period restarts if a deviation (absence) is recorded. Absence counts as an edit.

  • When a reminder is sent, the period restarts. No further reminders are sent until the employee edits working hours.

  • For an employee who gains access to a policy with the notification enabled, the period starts from the first day working hours are automatically recorded.

The notification must be activated "globally":

The notification is used only if automatic creation of today's standard time is activated.

Time registration without time bank:

Employees only need to edit today's standard time if there is a deviation

The 48 hour rule

  • The 48-hour rule applies to everyone in the Danish labor market.

  • If the rule is broken, the affected employee may be entitled to compensation.

  • Sick days, holidays, leave, and public holidays do not count towards the calculation. Only the registered working hours are the basis for the rule.

When the 48-hour rule is activated for your time registration, we recommend activating the notification before reaching 48 hours.

Because at 48 hours it is too late. Therefore, activate the rule at 46 or 47 hours so there is time to find a solution with the employee:

Administration can monitor who has received a notification about the 48-hour rule via HR Statistics -> Reports.

The 11 hour rule (rest time)

This notification should be activated thoughtfully. If your employees can work from home and do so, for example, in the evening, a few working hours in the evening and starting work the next day at 8 AM could trigger the rule.

ℹ️ There is an important exception to the 11-hour rule. The exception is if the employee has planned the work themselves and it is performed from home, then the rule does not apply.

The notification must be activated "globally":

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