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Daily check in / out of work hours

I must check in and check out of my working hours

Esben Hedegaard avatar
Written by Esben Hedegaard
Updated over a month ago

Check in & out of daily work hours

I have to check in when I start my work and check out when I stop my work.

Open your mobile app, Outlook app or the web-portal

Check in

Click: Check in

BitaBIZ suggests current time as the start time.

You can change the start time, if necessary.

Click: "Check in".

πŸ’ The date can be changed if you need to create a registration back in time.

Check out

Click: Check out

BitaBIZ suggests the current time as the end time.

You can edit the end time, if necessary.

Click: "Check out".

Need to edit a time registration?

Click on a registration in your calendar to edit it

πŸ’ When you edit a time registration, it is shown on the registration when you changed it. If approver flow is connected, the registration is sent for approval again.

Need a reminder ?

Push notification

If you forget to register your work hours you get a friendly reminder the following day.

πŸ’ You only get notified if the previous day is a work day.

Live feed

When you Check in a counter starts on your mobile start page.

πŸ’ Click to check out directly from you mobile start page.

ℹ️ Access to reminders depend on settings.

Team calendar

While you are checked in. Your "available" status is shared in the team calendar.

When you check out it is removed again.

Job codes, own paid breaks and payroll hours

Do you have access to job codes?

πŸ’ The last selected job code is remembered until the next time. If there are many job codes there is a search function.

Own paid breaks

πŸ’ If there is a break during your work day, it is deducted automatically.

Payroll hours?

πŸ’ Click on a time entry in your calendar to see if it has been paid out.

My calendar

Overview of your working hours

From your calendar on the web portal, you get a complete overview of your working hours.

Click on a registration in your calendar to open it.

πŸ’ Depending on your company settings:

  • The color red indicates that your registrations are awaiting approval.

  • Display of weekly, monthly and yearly statistics.

My registrations

Export your work hours to Excel.

From the web portal:

  1. Click: "My registrations"

  2. Select period: (from/to)

  3. Select type: "Time registration"

  4. Click "Show results"

Your Time registrations incl. the SUM of your hours for the selected period are shown. Click on the Excel button to export your hours:

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