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Create official working hours - with start and end time per day
Create official working hours - with start and end time per day

Standard working hours where the official start and end time of the working day is entered

Mathias Anneberg avatar
Written by Mathias Anneberg
Updated over a month ago

BitaBIZ has 2 methods for standard working hours

  1. Today's official start and end time is entered - THIS ARTICLE!
    πŸ’ Use this method for employee groups that have a fixed work schedule that does not change much.

  2. Today's net hours are entered only
    πŸ’ Use this method for employee groups that do not have a fixed work schedule. Read more here.

  3. You can also disconnect official work hours from a policy
    Use this method for hourly paid staff with no fixed roster plan or for fixed paid staff who must have an hour bank solution without official work hour management.

Create official work hours with start time and end time per work day

Official work hours for an employee group

Open the "Working Week" tab on a policy.

Choose the standard hours method:

  1. Enter official start and end time per workday (default)

  2. Enter the start and end time per working day

πŸ’ Standard hours entered on a policy is automatically valid for all employees connected to the policy.

Standard hours per employee

Open the "Working week" tab on the employee's master data card:

πŸ’ Standard hours entered on the employee's master data card overwrites the standard hours entered on the employee's policy.

πŸ’ On the master data card, the standard hours can vary between even and odd weeks.

Max plus hours per day

ℹ️ Only flextime

Open the "Working week" tab on a policy, or the employees master data card.

πŸ’ The hours entered in "Max plus hours" decides how many hours can maximum be earned a day in the hour bank. See registration message here!

History on standard working hours

If the standard working hours are changed, the historical standard hours applied to previously saved registrations is retained.

The new standard hours is therefore only valid for new registrations that are created.

Registrations that use start and end time


Reminder: Push notification

πŸ’ If a day with standard hours created is not filled with working hours or absences, a reminder can be sent.

Time registration - without hour bank

Edit today's automatically created standard hours if there is a deviation.

πŸ’ The time registration method: "Edit today's standard time if deviation" requires that the standard hours with start and end time has been created. It is used to automatically create working hours at 9 AM on working days.

Time registration - with hour bank


πŸ’ Flexitime uses net hours to settle working time to the hour bank with the day's plus or minus hours.

Time off

πŸ’ Today's working hours are pre-filled with from/to time for the entire working day. Employee can adjust the time.

πŸ’ Employees cannot register time off outside normal working hours. Only inside.


πŸ’ The app automatically suggests from/to time for the overtime registration to be before or after official working hours. The time the registration is created determines which time the app chooses.

πŸ’ Overtime cannot be registered within normal working hours.


Other vacation - hours

πŸ’ Today's working hours are pre-filled with from/to time for the entire working day when hours are selected. Employee can adjust the time.

πŸ’ Employees cannot register other vacation outside normal working hours. Only inside.

Sick hours

πŸ’ Today's working hours are pre-filled with from/to time for the entire working day when hours are selected. Employee can adjust the time.

πŸ’ Employees cannot register sick hours outside normal working hours. Only inside.

Other guides related to this guide

πŸ“‘ Create official working hours - with net hours per day only. Click here.

πŸ“‘ Create own paid breaks. Click here.

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