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Time registration - overview

Report targeted the time registration module

Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen avatar
Written by Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen
Updated over a week ago

Click: HR Statistics -> Reports -> "Download report"

Time registration - overview

All time registrations created on your BitaBIZ account are updated to this Excel report in real time via API integration

The Excel report contains 3 pages:

  1. Registrations

  2. Employees

  3. Benchmark (visualization of data)

1. Registrations

This page shows all time registrations created by your employees. Ie. the starting point for the display are the individual time registrations that have been created.

The sum in hours is calculated for the displayed time registrations:

For example, use the page to get an overview of:

  • the sum of the number of hours registered in a selected period:

    • on one or more job codes / hour rates

    • by one or more employees

    • per job title


  • the sum of the number of hours registered in a selected period:

    • per company, country, department

    • per staff group


  • the basis of an employee's timesheet for a selected period

ℹ️ The result of the selected filter can be exported to Excel for further processing.

2. Employees

This page shows the sum of time registrations per employee.

The total sum in hours is calculated for the displayed employees:

For example, use the page to get an overview of:

  • the sum in hours per employee and total sum for a selected period:

    • on one or more job codes / hour rates

    • on one or more employees

    • per job title


  • The sum of the number of hours per employee and total in a selected period:

    • per company, country, department

    • per staff group

ℹ️ The result of the selected filter can be exported to Excel for further processing.

3. Benchmark (visualization of data)

This page visualizes your time registrations in charts and graphs.

The page benchmarks your time registrations over time.

For example, use the page to answer questions such as:

  • the development in hours registered over a 3-year period:

    • is our total time consumption increasing or decreasing compared to last year or compared to last month or compared to the same month last year?

    • which months are the most hours registered and are the number of hours increasing or decreasing compared to last year?

    • which departments have increasing or decreasing hourly consumption compared to last year?

  • hourly budget compliance via the YTD graph which per month accumulates hourly consumption. Compare if necessary with previous years.

The visualizations can be filtered / targeted. For example, to display:

  • registrations of an employee

  • registrations of a department

  • registrations of a country or staff group

  • a job code / hour rate

Comments on this report:

  • The report only shows time registrations created for the module "Time registration"

  • The report supports the languages ​​Danish and English

  • The report is preconfigured and updated automatically with real-time data from your BitaBIZ account. To activate the report, your BitaBIZ API key must be inserted in the report: Here is a guide

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