I have access to Other vacation request in days and hours
The balance might have another name like:
Floating vacation, Care days, PTO, 6th vacation week, etc.
Open your mobile app, Outlook app or the web-portal
Request hours earned
Click: Add registration
Select: "Other vacation" or the custom name of the balance.
Add your start date and end date to book a period
π The balance box (the green box) shows how many hours are available. How many hours you have requested and how many hours are left (remaining). |
Show hours
If you select show hours you can book hours with a start and end time during a day.
π The balance box (the green box) shows how many hours you are requesting. |
Request hours not earned
It is not possible to request more hours than earned.
π The balance box (the red box) shows how many hours you are requesting to many. |