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Vacation - I can borrow days not earned

I can request vacation not earned yet in ADVANCE

Morten Borum avatar
Written by Morten Borum
Updated over a month ago

I earn vacation days per month.

I can borrow days not earned yet in ADVANCE.

Days borrowed are set off against the following months' earning.

Open your mobile app, Outlook app or the web-portal

Request vacation earned

Click: Add registration

Select: Vacation

Add your vacation start date and end date.

πŸ’ The balance box (the green box) shows how many days are available. How many days you have requested and how many days are left.

Request vacation in advance

Advance request inside the policy

πŸ’ The balance box (the yellow box) shows how many days you are borrowing. And the number of days max allowed to borrow.

Advance request outside the policy

πŸ’ The balance box (the red box) shows how many days to many you are borrowing.

Your vacation statistics

The statistics show how many days you have available in a month, compared to how many days you have previously booked in other months during the year. Hence, you can request vacation in the future before the vacation is officially earned.

It is the "Available" balance that shows how many paid vacation days you can request in a month.

When you have requested more days then earned during a month, the number of days borrowed are shown as advance days that are set off against the following months' earnings:

Vacation left (Danish policies only)

ℹ️ The flag with VACATION LEFT shows the number of vacation days left at the end of the vacation year that has not been used yet. Remaining vacation days can be used until 31/12.

πŸ’ Vacation days registered during the period 1/9 - 31/12 are shown in the calendar as either new earned days or vacation left from the vacation year ending 31/8.

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