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Increase or reduce a balance manually

Adjusting balances manually for: Vacation, other vacation, Hour Bank, or Day Bank

Esben Hedegaard avatar
Written by Esben Hedegaard
Updated over a month ago

Need to manually adjust an employee's balance?

Manual balance adjustments can are handled from the employee's calendar via calendar access.

Click: Payroll Admin -> Employees -> Calendar access

1) Click "Add" or "Reduce" to adjust a balance manually

2) Select the date from which the adjustment should be valid from

3) Save adjustments with a note so that there is documentation of the reason for the manual adjustment:

πŸ’ Manual adjustments of balances from calendar access:

  • are valid from the month they are created in

  • are valid for the vacation period in which they are created / saved in

  • are saved under "See history"
    ​(incl. notes created to the adjustment)

Would you like to reduce a balance via salary pay out?

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