Reduce a balance via pay out
Click: Payroll admin -> Employees ->
Calendar access
All 4 BitaBIZ balances (vacation, other vacation, hour bank, day bank) can be reduced via salary pay out.
1) Click "Pay out" to reduce a selected balance via pay out
2) Select the date from where the reduction/pay out is valid from
3) Select the number of days / hours the balance is to be reduced by
4) If relevant, create a note that will be saved with the balance pay out
5) A balance pay out is saved in the employee's calendar and is valid from the month the write-down is created to:
6) Click on the balance pay out saved in the employee's calendar for more information or click "See history":
π A balance pay out is reset by clicking on the pay out in the employee's calendar. When it is deleted, the payment / write-down of the balance is removed.
When a balance is reduced via pay out:
A pay out reduce the balance from the month in which it was created
"See history" show pay outs as a minus entry. The pay out therefore reduce the balance of remaining days / hours
The pay out is saved in the employee's calendar. Hence, both employee and manager can click on the registration and see that the balance is reduced via a salary payment
The pay out can be linked to the payroll file. Hence, the pay out process can be automated
When a balance pay out is payroll procesed the calendar entry is archived and locked as payroll processed