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Payroll export to your payroll system

Payroll settlement of hours, leave & absences, milage & salary parts

Morten Borum avatar
Written by Morten Borum
Updated over a month ago

Click: Payroll Admin -> Export -> Export with period management

BitaBIZ can export to all payroll systems.

If there are several companies or countries on an account, several payroll systems can be created for the same account.

We call our integration to payroll systems Export with period management.

How payroll export with period management works

Employee's calendar:

  • When a registration has been exported to the payroll system, the registration is locked in the employee's calendar and the employee, manager and payroll admin can see that the registration has been paid/payroll processed by clicking on the registration in the employee's calendar.

  • A payroll-processed registration cannot be deleted by the manager and employee. Now only the Payroll Admin role can delete the registration via calendar access.

Archive (payroll processed)

  • Payroll processed registrations are archived and are then available in the "Payroll processed" archive. From the archive, you will always be able to find payroll-processed registrations and export them to Excel

  • Archived registrations are not included in future payroll system exports.

ℹ️ You can delete an archive from the payroll processed archive and then the registrations can be exported again (click on the red trash bin).

When is a registration not included in the export:

  • If a registration is awaiting approval, it will not be included.

  • If the employee has not been assigned a payroll number in BitaBIZ, the employee's registrations will not be included.

💁 If you follow the best practice guide for export below, all created registrations will always be included. If not this month then the next.

Create export to payroll system

Selection of payroll period (from and to date):

When you export directly to your payroll system, the to-date is the date you want payroll data for.

The from date is back in time and this date should be several months back in time. For example, 3 months/payroll periods.

Hereby you catch unprocessed salary parts back in old payroll periods, that have not been paid/processed yet:

  • hours that have been subsequently registered back in time to the old payroll period and which have not been marked/archived as payroll processed

  • hours and absences that were approved after completion of the payroll export

Create export

  1. Select from and to date (Remember to select from date back in time)

  2. Select the employee groups (policies) to be included in the export

3. Click: Show results

  • if a registration has already been exported earlier, this is shown and the registration will not be included in the new export.

  • if an employee payroll number is missing, this is displayed and the employee's registrations are not included in the export.

  • if a previously exported registration has been deleted, this is displayed

4. When you click Export, data is sent to your payroll system either electronically or via a payroll file:

  • The payroll export is archived as payroll processed in the archive

  • The registrations are locked in the employee's calendar and marked as payroll processed

Payroll file format

💁 It is not recommended that the payroll file be opened in Excel before it is imported into the payroll system, as this may change the data format in the file. Therefore, download the file without opening it on the computer and then import the file directly into the payroll system.

Quick setup guide for your payroll system

From the page "Export with period management".

  1. Select your payroll system:

💁 When your payroll system is selected, BitaBIZ remembers the payroll system going forward.

2. Click "Setup" when your payroll system is selected and fill in the form:

A) Mark the registration types that you want synchronized/updated for your payroll system.

B) Insert your standard absence pay type codes and salary part codes in the form.

Your payroll system has been created 👏

Payroll data can now be sent directly to your payroll system without manual entry.

ℹ️ Payroll hours with rates, your own leave types, absence codes for fix paid employees and hourly paid employees and specific salary parts require a little more setup. Follow the link below to see how to set this up

Complete instructions for creating a payroll system export:

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