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Subscription plan

Here your invoicing preferences are entered and maintained

Mathias Anneberg avatar
Written by Mathias Anneberg
Updated over 3 months ago

Subscription plan

Click: Setup admin -> Company -> Subscription plan

Company information

The company information that is entered in the form is used in your invoice from BitaBIZ.

If your company information is changed, it is required that you update the form. Then your next invoice will automatically be updated with your new information.

ℹ️ Remember to click "Update subscription" to save your changes.

Billing Currency

Select the currency you wish to be billed in. BitaBIZ offers billing in 4 currencies:

  • DKR (Danish Krone)

  • EURO (EU)

  • GBP (British Pound)

  • USD (American Dollar)

Subscription Plan

Choose one of our 3 packages and activate the integrations and add-ons you want to use.

Installation, setup, and online support are included in the price.

ℹ️ Read more about our pricing policy in the Pricing Policy section below.


Integrations & Add-ons

Pricing Policy

We bill based on:

  1. the BitaBIZ package selected,

  2. the add-ons and integrations activated,

  3. the number of employees (active users*) created on your BitaBIZ account,

  4. the number of SMS messages sent**.

These are our pricing variables used to calculate your invoice.

We bill quarterly in advance based on what your pricing variables were on the last day of the previous quarter.

payment deadline from invoice date are 14 days.

*Inactive users are not part of the "pricing variables." History/data on inactive users can be stored or deleted in accordance with local law.

**SMS messages are billed based on actual usage in the previous quarter.

The customer has access to manage the "Pricing Variables" by activating or deactivating add-ons, integrations, and users, or by changing the package.

The subscription fee is indexed according to the inflation rate published by DST in January. The change adjusts the subscription fee from the nearest following April 1.

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