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Remaining other vacation

When the Other vacation year changes, remaining Other vacation is processed according to the settings on the policy.

Morten Borum avatar
Written by Morten Borum
Updated over 3 weeks ago

All periods (except Denmark 1/9-31/12)

For all periods (except Denmark 1/9-31/12), remaining other vacation is processed automatically.

There are 2 settings to choose from:

  • Remaining days/hours are automatically deleted.

  • Remaining days/hours are automatically transferred.

The period Denmark 1/9-31/12

If your vacation period follows the Danish vacation year, which spans 16 months with a 4-month overlap from September to December:

Days/hours expire on December 31. When days expire, they are sent for processing.

Click: Payroll Admin -> Vacation left transfer:

  1. Select the employee(s) to be processed.

  2. Click: Handle selected users

  3. Choose method:

    1. Delete

    2. Pay out

    3. Transfer

  4. Process


If "Pay out" is chosen with a maximum of 5 days, this means:

  • A maximum of 5 days will be paid out.

  • If an employee has more than 5 days remaining, the days exceeding the chosen maximum will be deleted.

  • Employee balances will be reduced using the "Pay out" method.

  • Days reduced through payout are sent to the payroll file and can be directly transferred to your payroll system.

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