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Approve timesheets

Do you receive many work hour registrations from hourly waged employees?

Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen avatar
Written by Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen
Updated over a month ago

Approval of an employee's timesheet

Do you receive work hour registrations daily in your "Approve Inbox"?

Registrations that must be approved by you before they can be paid out?

It can be an advantage to sort the inbox by employee and registration type. This gives you a timesheet per employee.

From your Approver list:

  1. Select the "employee" you want to process

  2. Select "time registration" if you do not want to process any registration types other than work hours.

ℹ️ When you approve an employee's timesheet, the entries are removed from the "Approve" list. You can now select the next employee's timesheet from your approve inbox.

Via employee calendar access, you have the full overview of an employee's registered time per day, week, month, year. You can also approve work hours for an employee via the calendar access. Work hours awaiting approval are marked with the color "red" in the employee's calendar:

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