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Paid breaks

I register my time entries, vacation days, or time-off and pay for my breaks myself

Esben Hedegaard avatar
Written by Esben Hedegaard
Updated over a week ago

Do you pay for your breaks yourself?

This article is for employees who pay for breaks and register one or more of these event types:

  • Payroll hours

  • Other vacation

  • Time off

If your time registration and/or your time off and/or your other vacation crosses a separate paid break, the break is automatically deducted from your total working time registration. You, therefore, do not have to do anything yourself.

In some cases, your employer may allow you to remove a break from your time registration. For example, if you have been busy and the break was dropped. To remove the pause, remove the checkmark next to the pause so that it is not deducted from your registration:

paid breaks registration
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