Approver flow

How to set up 1:1 approver flow

Esben Hedegaard avatar
Written by Esben Hedegaard
Updated over a week ago

When adding approver flow to your account you can select between two approaches:

  • You can set up approver flow to follow your department set-up.

  • You can set up 1:1 approver flow. Hence, you disregard groups and departments as the building blogs for creating approver flow.

This article focus on setting up 1:1 approver flow:

  1. Users with the role "Approver" selected - they are added to the list "Direct approver". Select "Approver" on the managers that have an approver role in your organization. When setting up 1:1 approver flow you don't select departments.

2. On each employee profile click: Roles > select the "Direct approver" from the list:

That is it!

You have options to further expand the approver flow in BitaBIZ:

1. Department approvers

You can add department approvers to your 1:1 approver flow:

  • Open the employee profile that need a role

  • Click "Roles"

  • Mark "Approver"

  • Mark "Groups/departments" that the user should be approver for

  • Click "Save"


If a user in a department should only be approved by the Direct approver. Hence, the department approver added above will not be added as an approver for this employee (only the Direct approver will handle this employee). Select "Employee is only approved by the direct approver chosen":

Self approver role

If an employee in your organization should not be assigned an approver to handle requests. Then you have the option to make the employee a self approver. Hence, the manager approver flow set-up will be ignored for this employee.

Select the "Selfapprover" role from the drop-down:

Please note. When your organisation use 1:1 approver flow. You have the option to automate your BitaBIZ approverflow by connecting your Azure AD.

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