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OKTA Single Sign-on

Add OKTA as your indentity provider to enable SSO

Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen avatar
Skrevet af Ulrik Baadsgaard Christensen
Opdateret over en uge siden

BitaBIZ support SAML 2.0. OKTA supports SAML 2.0 as the method to activate single sign on to company resources like BitaBIZ.

Guide to set-up SSO to your BitaBIZ account using OKTA custom application.

Login to your OKTA admin page.

Click Applications > Add Application:

Click Create New App:

Select the Web as Platform and choose SAML 2.0 as Sign on the method. Then click Create:

In App name select a name to the new app ie. BitaBIZ and click Next:

Login to BitaBIZ as an admin and go to Setup admin > SAML 2.0.
Copy Entity ID and Assertion Consumer Service URL from BitaBIZ and insert into  Audience URI (SP Entity ID) and Single sign-on URL respectively:

Then Click Next:

Select I'm an Okta Customer adding an internal app and select This is an internal app that we have created.
Then Click Finish:

Under Sign-on Click View setup instructions:

Login to BitaBIZ as an admin and go to Setup admin > SAML 2.0.

Copy Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL into Identity Provider Single Sign-On Service URL in BitaBIZ

Copy Identity Provider Issuer: into Identity Provider Issuer URL in BitaBIZ

Copy X.509 Certificate: into Signing Certificate (Base64 encoded)  in BitaBIZ

select SSO enabled and finally click Save SAML SSO configuration:

The Single sign on integration is now setup and enabled and you  can now add relevant users to your BitaBIZ SSO application in Okta.

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